What does this word "BUSINESS"(read as bees-ness) means to you?
- Like running a business,
OR, simply, it just means...
BUSY-nessWell well, I think I'm doing a
$2 million worth of "business".
It's simply worth too much, that I almost have no time for other recreations, or activities, that I personally want to do.
And, it's a super sad thing you know.
And, sometimes, it's just up to us on what we want to do with the time we have.
Actually, anything simple can be done, even when it's just a short short time.
It just comes to our planning, whether we have
good, or
bad time manangement.
If it's good, then anything will just come according, and you won't have any problem on missing out any stuffs, or not being able to catch up on a particular stuff.
But, if it's bad, then whatever you've planned, or whatever that you've decided to do, may not be done efficiently, and you may miss it.
So, in short, it all points to you, yourself, doing the thing that you want yourself to acheive in, when you have to have a period of planning, or even for your own daily schedule.
Well, I didn't have good time management before.
So, now, I really didn't like what I went through.
And, I realised the importance of having good time manangement.
It matters a lot to
EACH and
And, one more thing.
I was reading this handout given out during CL lessons.
And that was about a group of girls from a girls' school, who are only P6 then, actually agreed to get together and slash themselves.
SLASH THEMSELVES?!?!?!!!?!?!?!
- Do they even know what they are doing?
They are only so young.
Who knows what they will do when they grow up.
This is just
Which only
hurts you, yourself, and those who love you.
It do you no good at all.
The thing is that, when they got home, none of the adults found out about it, only the teachers, on the next day.
Imagine, no one notices anything different about you, when you get home.
Well, but, that's a don't-know-how-long-ago case already.
And, it's long been over.
Glad it's all over.
Quote of the day:
Show love to the ones you care for. Don't wait till the last minute, before it's all too late. Labels: "Business", Love, Time